Understanding the Limits of MAK Support

Understanding the Limits of MAK Support


MAK is committed to going the extra mile for you, but there are limits to how we can effectively assist. If you require more support than what we offer here, please contact sales@mak.com to inquire about Premium Support—dedicated engineering service hours designed to help you meet your specific needs, no matter what they are.

We will do everything we can to help you succeed, but here are some situations where Premium Support may be necessary:

Support for Products No Longer Under Maintenance

MAK engineers may answer questions about older, unsupported products if they know the answer offhand. We also make an effort to assist with recently unsupported products. However, we typically cannot provide in-depth investigation or troubleshooting for outdated products. The older the product, the less likely we will be able to help.

Assistance with Non-MAK Products or Unrelated Topics

Unfortunately, we cannot provide support for general C++ programming, Linux firewall management, or video driver updates. We also cannot deeply support third-party products like ArcGIS, Creator, Blender, Global Mapper, or virtual machine configurations. Similarly, while we can show you how to configure models, we cannot teach you how to build them.

Plugin Development Without Completing a Developer Course

MAK offers a one-week Developer Course covering the basics of C++ modifications for specific MAK products. For example, the VR-Forces API is highly complex, and we cannot provide a full development course via support tickets. If you haven’t taken a Developer Course, we encourage you to do so before seeking plugin development support.

Extensive Plugin Development

MAK products like VR-Forces and VR-Vantage are incredibly flexible—you can do almost anything with them. Many of our customers are experts who push the boundaries of what’s possible. While we can typically point you in the right direction and help you get started, some topics are too complex for standard support.

If you encounter such a situation, you have two options:
A) Contract MAK to develop the functionality for you.
B) Purchase Premium Support, which allows us to provide deeper assistance.

Too Many Questions

Yes, it happens. Sometimes, the sheer number of questions reaches a point where we need to recommend Premium Support. This often depends on how much software you have purchased and the complexity of your project. Some projects are just really complicated. Ultimately, we have a limited number of engineers and must balance our time to support all customers effectively.

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