SensorFX and MAK Data

SensorFX and MAK Data


If you use the settings covered in "Installing the makData Package" in the user guide for the shared data, SensorFX works correctly. If you launch VR-Vantage or VR-Engage with SensorFX and see an error about data, however, you can resolve it by setting the JRM_DATA_DIR environment variable to indicate the location where you installed the data. See Solution, below.

Affected MAK Applications

MAK ONE applications using SensorFX: VR-Vantage with SensorFX or VR-Engage with SensorFX.




Windows 10, Windows 11, Linux


Set MAK_SHARED_DATA_ROOT to the root path of your shared data folder. For example, MAK_SHARED_DATA_ROOT=C:\MAK\SharedData.

(This means you should have a path to SensorFX data in the form of E:/SharedData/16/latest/ModelData/sensorFX.)

See also the MAK ONE Installation Guide.

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