Crashes Associated with Insufficient VRAM

Crashes Associated with Insufficient VRAM


You can experience issues with hangs or crashes that are caused by consuming all of your VRAM.

Affected MAK ONE Products

VR-Engage, VR-Vantage, and VR-Forces


If that is the case, use the ‑‑limitEntityTextures or ‑‑limitTerrainTextures command-line options to use only mipmap levels at or below the resolution for entities or terrain. Use two integers for the width and height. For example:

vrEngage.exe ‑‑limitEntityTextures "1024 1024" ‑‑limitTerrainTextures "1024 1024"

If you continue to experience crashes, use ‑‑limitGpuMemoryPercentage in addition to these command-line options. Typical values are between 85 and 100, for example: ‑‑limitGpuMemoryPercentage 85. VR-Engage does not make new textures or buffers as a percentage of the available video RAM beyond the specified percentage. This applies only to VR-Engage-side textures: terrain insets, entities, indirected osgEarth layers (feature_geom and buildings). It does not apply to SilverLining, Triton, or osgEarth tiles. The latter are controlled by the .earth file options.

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